Tuesday, April 03, 2007


In elementary, I came across an article (I think from Reader's Digest) accounting for all the labor cost a mother could actually file for if she only could. This may have been the basis of my own mother's frequent ranting about how hard it was to raise 3 "mongoloids" (her term of endermeant for us), as well as he expected remuneration or counter-blessing--- that may be a kinder word--- from whoever owes it to her. Well... would that be us kids...?

This is an example of my teacher's warning: you should not believe everything you read!

What rotten soul would even apply the rules of salary for a job that should only be done through pure, charitable, MOTHERLY love? The author may have been kidding, but the readers sure didn't read the ha-ha-ha. Instead, self pity in mothers broke out in hu-hu-hu and this resulted to the notion that yes, you should all be aware what mothers are worth in currency!

I am a mother, and for me, mothers are monetarily worth nothing. It's not that you can't afford to pay us, it's just that you should never think that way. Our worth as your mothers does not depend on what we have done from your birth till God knows when. For this reason then, your worth as children do not depend on how we have mothered you. No mother nor child is more expensive than the next one.

You are lucky if you have a mother, but if you do not--- you are not a lesser child. If you don't consider your own mother a good one, then good for you, your eyes are open--- but in this sad case, I pray you are right as well as respectful still.

Do not bother computing for the future gifts you will give us, your moms. You were never indebted; it was primordially our duty to bring you into this world and help you become the best persons you could possibly be. We have never been entitled to any payment; although countless times we have been generously tipped by your glowing smiles, your various achievements, and the moments you cried out for us--- "Mama!!!"

If I were to price those times my children made me so happy to be their mother, it would be just as futile as billing them for anything I've ever done for them.

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