Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Rocio's Welcome Address

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to welcome you to the 2007 Moving Up Ceremony of the UCCP Learning Center, Laoag City. Your presence in this momentous event gives me and my fellow graduates a rainbow of emotions. Let me tell you how important each of you truly is through different colors.

BLACK is for the formality we show our guest of honor. Welcome, honorable speaker Adaza.

VIOLET is for Principal Jose and the administration of the UCCP, who serve in the name of wisdom. Welcome, Sir Jose and council.

BLUE is for the learning, patience and support our second mothers provided the whole year. Welcom,e Ma'am Shiela. Welcome, Ma'am Judy.

ORANGE is for the overwhelming energy our parents feel today. Welcome, stand proud, and we love you very much, our wonderful moms and dads.

BROWN is for the industriousness of the UCCP staff. Welcome, Tito Mulo and Tia Marina.

YELLOW is for the enthusiasm of our kith and kin in attendance today. Welcome, our dear relatives and friends.

GREEN is for the hope all the movers up promise our country. We are the stars of the show. Welcome and congratulations, my fellow movers up.

And last because it is the greatest... RED is for the love of God, the love that guides us all regardless of the faith we have: protestant, catholic, or moslem. The love that makes all of us do well and come here today.

Because we did well, we have all come; and that is the meaning of welcome.

Good afternoon and welcome!!!

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