Monday, July 14, 2008

Olin's Bath Tub

There is a huge, huge bath tub called the ocean. Its floor is crushed like what you do to the crackers you don't like. Sometimes, this tub makes bubbles, and other times it just dances in lines.

The water tastes different in the ocean, but it's okay to stick your tongue in it if you want. Keep your nose away from it, though, it's not a fun thing to do--- believe me, it's happened to me way too many times.

I will bring you to the ocean whenever I can. Your Dad will be there to hold your hand, your sister to have fun with, maybe the camera comes out,too, if it feels like working. Remember not to eat too much before a dip, and to take your diapers off! I guess it doesn't really matter with the way you look... you stumble into the waves, still laughing with sea water in your nose. You will never think of bathing the same way after this; it is a way I have long forgotten but suddenly recall now.