Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hubby and I were short financially during the holidays. It was just so easy to lose money... First, just successfully make a baby, then agree to everybody in being a godparent to their kids you wouldn't even recognize on the street, then don't turn off the air conditioner until after 10 staight hours everyday--- doesn't matter if it's a cold day anyway, and gorge on fastfood.

Do you know what day we started our Christmas shopping? December 22. I have never in my 20something years of shopping experience done something this drastic. (Ok, hold your comments, I am 30something, but I didn't start shopping at 6 months, right? Stupid sh*t.) Anyway...

We even had a pact not to buy any gifts for the adults. All gifts were for the kids. But what about the adults who really made 2006 a wonderful year? They were more than the fingers on my hands. I mean, I gave my DVD pirates a chocolate loaf as presents--- and they're Muslims! What about the people who are Christians and helped me give birth? What about my publication team that just won an award and dragged my name with it? What about the older kids of the brother of my grandmother's ward?

Enter my penchance for America's Funniest Home Videos.

I collected some 15 1-minute clips from my new daily habit, and clipped them alongside powerpoint slides.

I burned a copy and named it Whacked.

In the intro, Whacked explains that our gift is laughter anytime the viewer needs it.

Hubby bought flimsy CD cases which I taped red paper discs to with the makings: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year."

Hubby gave away some 7 copies of Whacked.

After a day, he gave away 7 more, and each disc this time also had Whacked Volume 3.
(Volume 2 bombed out on me.)

Soon after, some people were asking for Whacked 4.

I am now working on Whacked 5. I realize that so many people need to laugh. And I realize that laughing is actually INDUCED. The things that best induce laughter are people falling painfully--- especially in slow motion, people whose hair caught fire on tape, ridiculous signs everywhere such as "please don't urine", animals trying to act like (idiotic) humans, and damn ugly babies.

So, the next time you don't have money during a season of giving, try exploiting the internet. Dont' forget though to give proper acknowledgement to the sites you got your junk from. Not only will you have a gift that others can't buy anywhere, it's also a gift that will make you seem like a genius with a big heart.